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overwhelmed with too much stuff

Overwhelmed with too much stuff? Yep, me too!

Marie Kondo has inspired millions to embraced a life of minimalist. But for the everyday mom, just the idea of purging my closets can get pushed down our already busy weekly to-do list.

So, if you’ve accumulated years of stuff, there are some ways that decluttering can be made more manageable.

Follow these 4 steps to help make your next decluttering project be a success.

overwhelmed with too much stuff

1. Know your ‘why’

“Know your why” is a term that is used when people are setting goals so they can remind themselves of why they started when the going gets tough.

This same philosophy can also apply to decluttering. Because there will be a time, when it’s going to be downright messy.Knowing your why is critical to keep your eye on the prize – a clean house!

2. Schedule time on your calendar

To squash those feelings of overwhelm, you have to remind yourself that nothing needs to accomplished overnight.

How much time can you carve out? Can you take 30 minutes on a Saturday and Sunday afternoon?

Once you decide on a time, put it on your calendar. Have a time frame provides structure. Remember, if it’s not scheduled, it doesn’t get done.


3. Make a plan

Whether it’s a business or fitness goal, having a plan to achieve it is essential for success. Same goes for decluttering.

Questions to consider:

  • The order your wish to tackle your clutter
  • How many rooms or areas you want to complete each week
  • How will you sell valuable items (i.e., Ebay, Craigslist, consignment shops (check out this list of top 20 online consignment shops and apps via Millennial Money)
  • Where will you donate items?

Writing these things down can go a long way toward making the decluttering process more manageable.

4. Imagine your ideal space

Just one more step to do before starting your decluttering journey is to think about how you’d like your finished room to look.

Questions to consider:

  • Does your ideal space include what you currently have in the room?
  • What do you want to keep?
  • What do you want to discard?

Answering these questions can help give you a better idea of what you want your space to eventually look like.


Getting started is the hardest part. Now that you know some steps to help manage the overwhelm of decluttering, you can feel energized to begin.