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Why is decluttering so hard to start? It just seems that it’s one of those things that is always on my to-do list, but it keeps getting pushed down the list to the next weekend.

Chances are that if you’ve been putting off your home decluttering project, it’s probably because you feel overwhelmed. I don’t know about you, but looking at a bunch of boxes with crap in them makes me want to watch an episode of Real Housewives of New York on Hulu.

decluttering made easy

How do you make decluttering easy?

If you find yourself in the same boat, the best way to make decluttering easy is to start with small tasks.

For the chronically overwhelmed (like myself), this one little thing is HUGE. Just by taking ONE ACTION STEP, that one little task is progress.

10 simple steps to get started decluttering

Declutter tip #1: Pick one surface to clean

Just pick one surface to tackle. Make it a surface that you see everyday. Remember to keep it neat.

Declutter tip #2: Clean a shelf

First you cleaned a countertop, now it’s time to tackle emptying just one shelf.

Declutter tip #3: Clean one drawer

Dump the contents of just one drawer. This allows you to see everything all at once and it makes sorting easier.


Declutter tip #4: Put away left-out items

Choose 5 commonly left-out items and put them back where they belong. Or create special places to store them.

Declutter tip #5: Organize your medicine cabinet

All health supplies including medicines and bandages should be kept together. Throw out expired items. Create a neat and organized area for the items that you use most often.

Declutter tip #6: Create a filing system

Now that you’re getting rid of paper clutter, be sure to label a few file folders to hold the most common categories of paperwork.

Declutter tip #7: Create a catch-all for paperwork

file holders

Find a place in your house where you can designate as an area to place new papers. This could be in your kitchen or home office.

Declutter tip #8: Donate clothes

Clothes are so easy get cluttered. To make it simple, each day choose 3 pieces of clothing and place them in either a box or trash bag. At the end of the week, you’ll have a bag full to donate!

Declutter tip #9: Visualize your finished room

decluttering made easy

As you continue to declutter, these small decluttering tasks start to add up. Start to visualize how a room might look when completely decluttered and organized.

Declutter #10: Donate items

After taking a few tiny steps toward decluttering, you should have a pretty good amount to donate. Take that bin or bag to your local thrift store. Doesn’t it feel great to get rid of stuff?!


Now, it’s time to step back and see all the progress you made. Doesn’t it feel great! Just taking a few small steps can make a big difference in decluttering your home.